I’m Dafna, I’m originally from Israel and currently live in Berlin. I teach Vinyasa Yoga, with an emphasis on physical introspection, presence, meditation and exploration of the self. Movement has always been my favorite language. I danced all my life and spent most of my free time in the studio. At the age of 21 I was accidentally exposed to yoga and from that moment on I never stopped practicing.
Over the years I participated in 4 official teacher trainings (200/300 hours) and took many workshops both in Israel and around the world. In addition, I studied Reflexology at Reidman institute for two years. I continue developing my practice and teaching in different paths than traditional Yoga, with influences from different methods such as Body Mind Centering as well as osteopathy studies. I was blessed with amazing teachers, who pushed me forward while always making the current moment extremely present.
All the different methods that I was exposed to are aimed at a similar “goal” – you can call it harmony, clarity, presence, health, life. And basically, anyone can call the practice however they want to. The most important thing is to keep coming, keep practicing, keep an attentive body and an open heart. The practice and its fruits never cease to excite me and I invite you with love to come, explore, and get excited with me.